The Tito Balestra Foundation is located at the Malatestian Castle of Longiano. It houses one of the richest collections in Emilia-Romagna. In 2010, coinciding with the celebrations for its twentieth anniversary, the Tito Balestra Foundation obtained a prestigious recognition, thanks to the many cultural and institutional activities carried out since its creation, such as exhibitions, conferences, seminars and teaching. In addition to the organisation of cultural activities, the Foundation has always worked to ensure that the town of Longiano was provided with a modern and efficient museum, conforming to the standards required by national and regional laws. Thanks to this mission, the Council of the Emilia Romagna Region granted the Foundation the “first recognition of the museums of the Emilia Romagna Region on the basis of quality standards and objectives pursuant to LR 18/2000”. This recognition has taken into account several aspects, including compliance with current museum and safety regulations, the pioneering educational activity, the quality of the services offered to the public, the publishing activity, and finally the use of advanced technologies applied to security, archiving, cataloguing, and guided tours.